- In 2009, a group of Senior High School Students, under the vision and inspiration of Tamara Cham, a Year 12 student then, undertook several community-based humanitarian projects which would become the foundation for the establishment of the first ever student-led campus-wide Non-Governmental Organisation.
Students undertake diverse community service programmes such as clean-up activities; sensitization on the need for a better and healthy environment; distribution of leaflet and stickers on keeping the city clean; placing community litter bins at selected points to foster hygienic practices as well as taking care of the needs of the less fortunate. The main source of revenue and support comes from the school, parents and guardians. The NGO’s activities have thrived over the years till today with wonderful student leaders taking the mantle of responsibility each year to ensure the continuity of the group’s aims.
Slogan: « Let’s give, let’s share and let’s change a life together »